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School of Rock Guitar offers Vocal Lessons for Beginner, Intermediate and Advance level musicians.

An ordinary singer can become a good vocalist with systematic training and guidance by an experienced instructor. At the school of rock guitar, we first figure out the potential of the student as per his or her voice type, pitch range and general vocal skills, train them accordingly and develop their singing abilities to become professional and expressive singers.

lessons are meticulously designed to improve pitch, voice control, voice quality & tone, to develop various styles of singing etc. and to understand techniques of singing such as applying strength from the stomach, chest, throat, nasal and falsetto voice usage etc.

let people know you through your singing, not by what you are or who you are otherwise !

"Singing doesn't mean just vocalizing the musical notes correctly, it's voicing of your thoughts and expression of who you are in real life" -MJ

Check out some of MJ's vocal performances on youtube.

Course Plans

4 times in a month
8 Times in a months
3 months
CALL ON:: 011-26167911